Contract signed in FVG region - Arriva Italia
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TPL Friuli Venezia Giulia: signed the ten-year contract between the Region, Arriva Italia and the TPL FVG Consortium

After the assignment made known in August, the 10-year contract for road and sea services for the entire regional basin of Friuli Venezia Giulia was definitively signed on November 14, involving TPL FVG, the company founded by the four regional public transport companies. Friuli Venezia Giulia, Apt Gorizia, Atap Pordenone and Arriva Italia, through the subsidiary Saf Udine and the associated company Trieste Trasporti, which already manage the service today.

The four consortium companies collectively transport over 105 million passengers each year for a volume of approximately 41 million buses / km with 950 vehicles and 1900 employees.

The award has a total value of 109.3 million euros per year, net of VAT and a duration of ten years, with the possibility of extension for a further five years.

The signing of this contract represents for us the beginning of a new journey, with benefits for both our users and local partners, says Angelo Costa, CEO of Arriva Italia. In August, the Council of State definitively rejected the revocation appeal filed by Busitalia-Sita Nord and Autoguidovie and assigned us and the Consortium the management of the service. By signing, we formalize the beginning of the mandate, reaffirming our utmost commitment to improving the service offered and our closeness to users and their needs“.