One Company - Arriva Italia
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1 January 2021: the beginning of a new era

A new company is born

Arriva Italia successfully concluded the merger by incorporation of the Italian companies fully controlled: SAVDA (Val d’Aosta) SADEM (Turin), SAB (Bergamo), SIA (Brescia) and KM (Cremona). The merger by incorporation will take effect from 31 December 2020; other companies (Arriva Veneto, Arriva Udine, ASF Como and Trieste Trasporti) are not included in the merger.

All the services performed by the subsidiaries will continue without any interruption. The same workforce will also be maintained and the same services will be guaranteed throughout the territory, without the merger therefore having consequences on the normal performance of the services in each territory in which Arriva Italia operates.

One identity, wherever we operate

Present in the country since 2002

We aim for growth and innovation, integrating services

Investments on green and environtment

Angelo Costa, managing director

Watch the video for all the infos

“This decision is a fundamental step for Arriva Italia, the choice to create a One Company stems from the desire to provide adequate responses to a series of transformations taking place on the public transport market, from the energy transition to the growing digitalization of processes”

Angelo Costa, MD

1300 buses

a modern and green fleet, mostly Euro 6 vehicles.

1540 employees

Top employer 2020 – Corriere della Sera.

50 million

of bus/km every year, where we operate.