Service for passengers with reduced mobility - Roma Capitale - Arriva Italia
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Service for passengers with reduced mobility

Roma Capitale

Arriva Italia, in partnership with Meditral, starting from 10 January 2022 is providing the school transport service reserved for reduced mobility students in the municipality of Roma Capitale

A service of excellence for Rome

The Roma Capitale school transport for pupils with reduced mobility will be recognized as a mobility model of excellence at European level, oriented to the highest levels of environmental inclusion and sustainability.

In our vision it will not only represent a public utility service, in an ethical perspective, capable of generating value for the community, but it will be a tool to improve the aesthetics of the territory: beauty is an intangible value that translates into social development , cultural but also economic.

Our fleet

We offer the highest quality vehicles for the best possible service

25 electric vehicles

25 minivan equipped with electric motors will be implemented in the fleet, to guarantee an even greener and more sustainable service without sacrificing all the comforts for our passengers.

246 new vehicles

The fleet will be entirely renewed, and latest generation vehicles equipped with the most advanced monitoring and safety systems will be implemented to ensure a safe journey in every respect.

Maintenance and training

The vehicles used in the service will be subjected to the rigorous standard maintenance of Arriva Italia.

In addition, drivers will participate in individual training programs, with the aim of preventing and correcting inappropriate driving behavior and ensuring maximum driving comfort and safety.