Sustainability report - Arriva Italia
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In 2023 Arriva Italia embarked on a voluntary sustainability reporting journey, anticipating the regulatory requirement to report on the environmental, social and governance aspects of its business.

The company has chosen a progressive approach that starts from a solid base thanks to the use of internationally recognized standards (the GRI Standards (Global Reporting Initiative) have, in fact, been used to measure performance) and an in-depth materiality analysis in which the main stakeholders have been involved. There is also no lack of references to the UN 2030 Agenda and, in particular, to the Sustainable Development Goals to which Arriva Italia contributes through its actions.



Arriva Italia is at the forefront of promoting sustainable mobility, a priority challenge that can no longer be postponed. Sustainable public transport is, in fact, essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality. In addition to having, therefore, an environmental impact, it certainly also has a social impact on communities.


Public transportation represents the very essence of diversity, as it is a service offered indiscriminately to everyone. This is why Arriva Italia puts people at the center of its strategy: both those within it and the passengers who use the service.

For its people, the company has, in recent years, consolidated a path aimed at improving employee well-being that involves several aspects: from increasingly dedicated corporate welfare (think of the listening desk and psychological support) to clear governance on the issue of Diversity & Inclusion (in 2022 an in-house D&I Manager was appointed).

Passengers-which exceeded 34 million in 2022-are dedicated to efforts to ensure a quality, modern and efficient service, able, thanks to constant digital innovation, to provide continuous assistance.

And precisely with people and the relationship with its stakeholders in mind, Arriva Italia, in addition to the Comprehensive Report, has decided to enhance the facts and figures of sustainability and will therefore prepare individual reports for each geographical area in which it provides its services. The complexity of the company is, in fact, given by the fact that it carries out its service in large, jagged and diverse territories. The challenge is to enhance in the individual territories the resources lavished on sustainability.

Angelo Costa, CEO Arriva Italia

“The sustainability report is only the first stage of a gradual but steady path that we will travel together with our stakeholders: a road already defined that will lead us to measure ourselves in an increasingly transparent and tangible way.

We are convinced that sustainability can no longer be postponed, and it is precisely in order to tell the story of what we are already doing in all three ESG pillars that we have decided to take on this challenge. This Report is meant to be a testimony to the responsibility we feel and put into practice every day towards our people, first of all, and towards our passengers, as well as towards all the other stakeholders with whom we interact on a daily basis: territorial entities, communities, suppliers and partners.”