5 more new electric buses put into service in Cremona - Arriva Italia
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Arriva Italia: 5 more new electric buses put into service on the e, h, i, g and m lines

On 12 May, during an event in the town hall square, six Arriva Italia electric buses for local public transport in Cremona were presented. They were just the first part of the 11 latest-generation full electric BYD vehicles included in the fleet renewal plan.

Since last week, the other 5 vehicles have also been in service, which will be used on lines E (Barriera Po/Piazza Roma/Stazione/Ospedale), G (San Marino Autostazione/Castelverde Autostazione) and H (Bonemerse/Ospedale/Stazione Cavatigozzi/Spinadesco), where the first electric vehicles had already entered service, also on lines H (San Savino/Autostazione and Castelverde/Costa Sant’Abramo/Picenengo/Cremona), I (Castelverde/Migliaro and Persico/Cremona) and M (Cremona Solidale/Stazione/Ospedale).

This is a further step towards the complete replacement of the fleet used for urban transport in Cremona, which envisages the divestment of all diesel (Euro2 to Euro6) and methane vehicles.

In fact, the goal is to have a completely electrified urban fleet by 2026 with a total of 32 vehicles: 19 electric vehicles introduced thanks to funding from the National Strategic Plan for Sustainable Mobility (EUR 6.2 million), and 13 thanks to PNRR funds (EUR 6 million).

All vehicles have a length of 12 metres and a capacity of 82 seats, of which 23 can be seated. They are equipped with a 348 Kwh battery and have a range of about 300 km. They will be recharged at night in the facility built inside the Cremona central depot (full recharge time about 7 hours).

The strengthening of local public transport, achieved through investments in the electric fleet, and thanks to the collaboration between the Municipality of Cremona and Arriva Italia, is an integral part of the various interventions on mobility that represent a strong commitment to development and constant attention to the liveability of Cremona. Making the city more liveable and usable also means maintaining a high level of care for the environment and implementing concrete initiatives in favour of air quality.